Have you wondered how to meet rich, young, single men? Are rich, young men your “type”? Do you have difficulty meeting these men in the normal course of your life? Before we show you some ways in which you can meet rich young men with ease, here is some food for thought:

1. Have a clear idea of what you want. What is a “rich man” according to you? Rich can mean $1 million, or $31 million. And how young is young? Young can be 17 or young can be 32. Make all these facts clear in your head. Write them down if you will.

2. Ask yourself why you want these things. Is it financial security you are seeking? Or do you just wish to have a really good time with a boyfriend who will bestow you with lovely presents? Is it for appearances?

We are not judging here at all. Everyone has different wants and needs and things they think they cannot do without. If you know without a trace of doubt that you want such a man after the above analysis, this is how you can find rich guys:

· Take a friend and go to a pub or restaurant in the affluent part of town where the rich folks hang out. It makes sense, doesn’t it?

· Go online. There must be websites that cater to this need…they sure do cater to every other need!

· Ask your friends to set you up.

· Look around. He might be right in front of your eyes but keeping quiet about his trust fund!

Some words of warning for you:

· Know that if your intention is just to find a rich guy, guys can pick up on this.

· Many rich guys are very tight with their money so don’t get a rude shock if you land yourself a rich date and you see no roses or jewellery and he makes you go Dutch every time!

· Watch out for boys too young for you: you might get bored really fast with their lack of maturity.

· If you just want some arm candy, get yourself a designer handbag. You might also have to pick up a self-help book as that is really no reason to find a man. It will leave you feeling emptier than when you started out.

· Is he really rich, or is it MasterCard or Mom that supports his lavish lifestyle?

Might we add that, if you are searching for “rich, young men”, make sure they are rich in all the ways that count because not all the money in the world can buy kindness and integrity. And make sure you match them in richness of spirit and a youthful demeanour.