TAGS: #beijing

As a disclaimer, this author is Jamaican-born and a naturalized U.S. citizen. I’ll endeavor to be objective, what the heck, let the games begin…. As I typed this essay, Usain Bolt is yet to run the 100 M relay race. I’m sure he’ll garner another gold medal unless, of course, he is struck by a bolt of lightening before he lace his golden mercurial shoes on his winged feet.
The argument for Michael Phelps
Yes, he earned eight (lucky number in China; hence the 8/8/08 date of the Beijing’s Olympic Games) gold medals; set world records, and won a race by his fingernail in a nail biting event. Definitely, he has the will power and raw talent of a Tiger Woods and of a Michael Jordan. Definitely, the ‘Be Like Mike’ moniker fits him to a T – coincidentally, Michael means Godlike in Hebrew. Before we name him a demigod and place his constellation besides that of Heracles, let’s test his ‘gold’ in the crucible of the Greatest Olympian Ever.
It took 11 years for Michael Phelps to reach his apex. He is competing in a competition that a majority of the world’s audience (no need to accuse me of elitism) cannot fully appreciate. As a disclaimer, I’m a PADI certified advanced open water diver and a rescue diver but how many people is able to dissect the mechanics of the butterfly or the breaststroke? On the other hand, who among us cannot appreciate sprinting or running? What is the signature sport of the Olympics: track & field or swimming? Besides Poseidon, what is the favorite sport of the Greek gods on Mount Olympus?
The winning argument for Usain Bolt
What’s in a name? Usain Bolt by any other name would be as fast as lightening (a Shakespearean twist). What’s in a country- a country of 2.9 million producing a dream team that dominates Olympic track & field events (the signature ones) with complete athletic superiority (both sexes)?
Usain Bolt is the best Olympian ever because:
o He only started to run the 100 M after a year – after he implored his coach to let him run.
o In the 100 M Final, he blew away a field while decelerating for the final 15 meters; looking on the clock; looking for his competitors; triumphantly waving his arms; showboating and pumping his chest (a mi mon – world champion) while dancing – sideways – as he coolly and effortlessly crossed the finish line (I’m sure to Ninja man’s rhythm – “Wen mi gone; who dat a follow me; when mi gone” – from his Murder Dem [Sleng Teng Riddim] tune), and most of all, he broke his own record after earlier breaking a world record set by his fellow country man (who finished fifth in the said heat)
o In the 200 M, he shattered the American Michael Johnson’s world record set 12 years ago. Again, he blew away the field without breaking a sweat in the cool – no problem, mon – Jamaican demeanor.
o Usain Bolt, with his signature centaur poses, is ready to take his place beside Heracles among the stars and constellations – the greatest Olympian ever.
o After all, Zeus – the king of the Greek gods – favored ‘lightening bolts.’
As for the Winter Olympics
The Redeem Team – move over US Basketball – will be the Jamaican Bobsled Team. You laughed – but you heard it here first.