Warren Buffet might not know soccer, but when he said, “Tell me your heroes and I’ll tell you how your life will end up”, he was onto something. When it comes to coaching, everyone wants a say but few are willing to turn their words into action and take a team… even under 8’s which is where yours truly started. How can You enjoy coaching soccer?

Let me count the ways:

1. Coach your kids and you get to spend more time with them at something you can help them have fun at AND enjoy mastering new skills.

2. Coaching young people of any age gives you the opportunity to have a massive and important influence on the future of your community and country! This is not just talk. Ask any adult who has played sport for a while and there is a good chance the had great people who were their coaches.

3. You will be remembered for all the right reasons and kids will copy your example. There are no less than 3 great coaches I remember until I left town at 17. Mr Nicolas (Fatherly man who really cared and It was much appreciate) Mr Edgar (fantastic accent I still haven’t mastered but he was fair and encouraging), and lastly Bobby “Feed the Bear” Mutter (A burly Scotsman whose belief in me propelled my confidence sky high, I can still hear him call, “Who’s the boss Richard? Show him who’s the boss!”

4. You get to develop skills in something you have a passion for and coaching soccer skills is full of challenge and rewards.

5. Get a life! No longer wandering the streets looking for something or sitting in front of the TV, rock up to your local soccer club or school and I’m sure there will be opportunities to add a new dimension to your life and the lives of others.

6. Build contacts in your community and neighborhood. If you coach kids they have parents and they have lives too that may provide a way to help you with something in your life.

7. Leadership, responsibility, and commitment all have their own rewards and these are abundant when you coach soccer.

8. If you are a player in a club you get praise from members in the club, you get on the “in” with the other coaches in case you wanted to advance a career in this way, and you get some equipment to use whenever you want to improve your own game.

9. It will add to your attractiveness to employers as coaching soccer or any sport, shows the attributes above. These are easily re-worded to suit the job type. E.g. Active Member of my Community. It shows commitment, reliability, purpose, and that you can get out of bed in the morning.

10. Personal satisfaction. Winning your competition, one game, or having kept a bunch of people happy and off the streets. Plus you are involved doing what you love, Soccer (sport). I once coached soccer at a local high school and these young boys (11 and 12 yrs) came to class with short black pen marked on the top of their wrists and hands… “What is that for?”, I asked, “We’re you” they said! Never under estimate your power. There are many coaching videos, courses (often run by your local Soccer Club), books and other coaches to help you. A good way to start is to support the coach, be a manager, or gear minder person and learn that way. Showing up to practices to help is also useful.

Coaching soccer is a full on commitment that reflects everything the Real Madrid’s and Manchester United coaches experience (except the money and chance off being replaced if you lose!) So enjoy the rush of excitement and adrenaline that coaching gives on matchday.

(PS. Look up soccer club directory online in the search box or thumb through your phonebook to find a club near you.) Get out there coaching soccer and make a difference and remember, if you are there for the game or kids… you have already won.