This wall is made of patterns, beliefs, personalities, habits and so on, which donʼt have anything to do with them. Their soul is dying inside while they search for it by building their success, relationship or personality. They think this will solve the problem. But a life built on these patterns will never give fulfilment. You can change your work twenty times in ten years. Still fulfilment and sustainable happiness will be a mirage.

You may be rich, popular and driving the most expensive car but unless you are able to dive below those patterns of personality, the inside will be empty. Otherwise, tell me why movie stars who are earning millions of dollars a month are caught with illicit substances in their blood? Why many politicians are caught on camera taking somebody elseʼs money? Why people age so prematurely in jobs they are successful at? Why people live on pills? Blame it on unhappiness and disease but why are they unhappy? They are in powerful positions, playing with millions of dollars.

One answer is that health is just a monitor, representing what is going on in the mind. The waves in the mind are directly from the flow of life. A healthy body indicates a pleasant mind and fulfilled life.

It is time to reconnect with a more authentic definition of who we are. To see what is natural for us and how that must, at all cost, be preserved. Our choices are infinite – but our joyful, heart-full and healthy ways of living are not. It is time to honour ourselves. To know ourselves again. To get beyond acronyms, guru worship and corporate personality typecasting.

We are suffering a huge problems in the world with stress and burnout at work in epidemic proportion. Just look at statistics involving health care in business where mental health has risen from 10% to nearly 90% of health claims made in corporate insurance. Add this cost to lost time and stress costs in families and I argue that corporate worlds have got it wrong. They are actually heading in the wrong direction making things worse.

People are getting fatter and sicker. Life expectancy is rising but what about the quality of life. Nothing is curbing the tide of trends toward a world in which health and mental peace are synthetically created. Love doesn’t come in a pill or a plastic bag nor a book for that matter. So what is the solution?

Vision, Inspiration and Purpose. You own it. It’s simple. It’s portable and it’s inside of you. It affects your productivity, your health, your happiness. It affects your relationship, your friendships, your children and your P&L at work. If you tap it, there’s no stopping you, if you don’t then it’s all just hard work and struggle. Your Vision, Inspiration and Purpose comes from your heart. It affects everything important and it is without doubt the single most important ingredient in determining the quality of your life and the essential exchange in relationships. It’s not fluff. It’s your true nature. Your Innerwealth, so you can be in control of your own dialogue with life.