TAGS: #hate

In the United States of America, we have often witnessed, many hate crimes, occurring, throughout the world, and considered ourselves fortunate, to be able to consider ourselves, better than that! Whether we actually were, or it was simply, more subtle, and subdued, here, than elsewhere, in the last few years, we have, unfortunately, noticed, an enormous increase, in these incidents! Why have there been, such a huge uptick, in these ugly crimes, and what might it say about us? Since this nation has traditionally, considered itself to be, the land of the free, and pledged allegiance, using the language, with liberty and justice, for all, isn’t it awful, we have permitted this, to occur? With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly review, some of the possible, contributing factors, what we might do, to stem this behavior, and why, we need, to pay closer attention, and deter this hateful behavior and attitudes.
1. The impact of politics: While President Trump, cannot be blamed, for these incidents, it seems, entirely possible, and, even, likely, his rhetoric and vitriol, have probably enabled, those, with. hate – in – their – hearts, to believe, it’s okay, to behave, in that ugly manner! The politics – of – hate, pitting one segment of our society, against another, is, perhaps, the single – biggest, contributing factor, to the increase, in this type of behavior! When the President appears, to consistently, and persistently, resort to blaming and complaining, specific minority and/ or ethnic groups, he encourages, the haters, to believe, they are justified, in their horrible behavior. Although, he denies, he has anything to do, with this, whether he wants to, or not, it appears the result is, many of his core supporters, believe racism, and/ or limited freedoms, is acceptable, and/ or justified! In order to protect the American way, of life, we must clearly demonstrate, this is unacceptable. Yet, when a candidate for Senator, in Mississippi, is elected, despite several hateful statements/ rhetoric/ actions, we obviously, have a long way, to go!
2. Increase in number of reported hate crimes: Recent statistics indicate, reported hate crimes, overall, have increased 17%, in Mr. Trump’s first year, in office, and anti – Semitism, has increased 37%, during that period. While, we are witnessing this, in many places, throughout the world, shouldn’t America, be better, than that! Understand, any limitation, in liberty, and justice, for – all, threatens, the American way, of life!
3. Taking timely action is essential: The longer, this behavior, is permitted, and enabled, the greater, the longer – term threat, to America! We must protect all our freedoms, whether we personally benefit, or not!
Wake up, America, and demand, a return, to a more – normal, way – of – life, in this nation! Either we act now, or it will be, possibly, too late, later!