Life establishes a rhythm and a pattern. Days go by and it may seem as if the world around you is evolving but somehow your life is stuck or never changing, growing, or moving forward. Perhaps it is a pattern of work, debt, struggle, pain, searching, and wanting a better life that constantly surrounds your working thoughts each day.

When you can no longer feel a sense of peace, because your thoughts are overshadowed by the reality of life, this is when you wish for change the most. The worse the conditions of life are perceived to be, the more urgent the need for change becomes.

A person may begin to feel the need to plead to a higher power or supreme being in an attempt to cause changes. And for many, when their lives do not change, it can lead to a sense of frustration and despair.

A universal truth is this: Life can challenge you. Life can cause you pain. Life can make it hard to know how you will ever get ahead when all you can see is the same set of circumstances from day to day. Life holds no guarantees, even if a person is born into perfect circumstances.

Maybe you want more for your life, career, or to wake up with a sense of hope about circumstances. Right now you may be faced with many challenges, from those of a physical nature, to those which are more emotional or spiritual. There may even be added pressures which compound how you feel, from finances to relationships. And you cannot escape the vitriol spread through social media and the news. The cry for change is reaching an all-time high now.

Asking for Help

The natural reaction is to want to ask someone for answers, typically a person who is involved with a faith-based, spiritual, or religious association. They will usually tell you to rely upon another being and this may or may not bring comfort as the conditions seem so out of control to so many, and if a supreme being or deity or source was already in control, wouldn’t this entity already step in? Why must so many people plead or pray or beg before changes occur?

When people are told to trust and have faith, this generally means there isn’t an answer available that those people are willing to hear or are ready to embrace. Could you imagine if more people accepted the idea the universe is “run” by a Collective Consciousness, not a supreme being, deity, source, or even “the universe” itself? It would be too much for most people to accept as it seems someone must be in charge or controlling all of us in some way now.

Yet the interesting thing is this: When someone is told to pray, they are being told to be quiet and listen. Without knowing it, they are practicing a method of tuning into the Collective Consciousness of Mankind or the living memories and active knowledge of all humans. When knowledge and insight is received, it is assumed a prayer was answered or there was divine intervention. But what happened is the person became receptive enough to receive wisdom available at any time and to anyone.

Here’s What You Can Do

This is how a person can begin to initiate change: Tune out the noise and turn within. It’s not easy to do when social media keeps us actively engaged in the outrage of the latest news and people’s reactions, or we feel no escape from our own lives, but that’s how it begins.

Now some spiritual teachers will state a person who is in pain can still be in pain but feel hopeful. A person who is unemployed, debt ridden, depressed, spiritually down, or any other number of devastating factors – can simply choose to think a different thought.

It is true that there is power in how and what we think, and we always have a choice. But you cannot be in the middle of life’s conditions and decide new thoughts will in fact create new conditions. The phrase “thoughts become things” is misleading because there is something more to it: The thoughts. That’s what the spiritual leaders do not teach. You need to find the thoughts from the Collective Consciousness of Mankind, not just state “I will feel better today”.

So what are these thoughts? The thoughts that come from the Collective Consciousness of Mankind are ideas, plans, wisdom, inspiration, and so on.

Make Time to Listen When You Can

Find time to listen with your mind to tune out other thoughts. Some call it meditation. But you can write, paint, draw, walk, or do anything to get into your own zone, to tune out the noise of life, society, and technology. When you do this, just free flow your writing, drawing, or whatever you are doing. Have a question or two about life and wait for inspiration. Wait for it to arrive and it will. It will feel like inspiration, insight, creativity, and happiness most of all.

Use what insight you receive when you make time to listen to decide what steps to take to improve your life or make important decisions. This will allow your attitude to evolve, then your disposition, and before long, you will begin to find new ways of creating improvements in how you live.

You may not eliminate pain, debt, or an unfulfilling job all at once, but knowing you can find insight and wisdom on your own will give you a new sense of self-empowerment and self-confidence. Even a new method of coping with conditions can create a new outlook on your future.