TAGS: #xbox

The Xbox 360 red ring of death is a very common problem among Xbox owners. Whenever this happens, it is extremely frustrating. You are unable to play your favourite games and the rare times you actually are, you find yourself constantly losing level progress.
You know that you are facing the red ring of death problem when your console is displaying 3 flashing red lights on the power button. You also know that your Xbox360 has a general hardware failure and you need to do something about it. But do you even know the cause of the red ring of death error, also called E74?
Specialists claim that the main cause behind the E74 error is overheating. This comes from the fact that when your console overheats, there is disconnection between the Graphics Processing Unit and the motherboard. This results in an electrical connection failure which entails the apparition of those 3 flashing lights.
If you want to fix your Xbox 360 fast, you need to know how to address the problem quickly. Experts would advise you to head over to Microsoft so that they can have a look at the issue. In most cases, the procedure is as follows: you send your console over to Microsoft. They work on how to repair your Xbox 360 and then they get back to after 2-8 weeks.
Another option for you is to equip yourself with an Xbox 360 repair guide. Your repair guide will help you go through each and every single step required to fix your console easily. Being IT savvy is not required and you will, in most cases, manage to save yourself over $140 if your console is not under warranty. There is a lot of Xbox 360 repair guides available on the market so make sure you check out the reviews to find the most appropriate guide for your needs.