TAGS: #satan

When God first created man, He created man to live forever on this beautiful planet that He had made. God loved His creation and He even walked with man in the garden called Eden, but in time things would change. Satan’s pride got the best of him and God cast him out of heaven. Satan was angry that God wanted him to serve man, so Satan decided to influence man into disobeying God.
When God first put man in the garden, He told man not to eat from the tree of good and evil, He told man that he would surely die if he partook of that tree. As Satan tempted Eve into partaking of the tree, she went to Adam and had him partake of the tree. Then their spiritual eyes closed and their carnal eyes opened. They became what we are now, they lost what God had blessed them with.
Since they became unpure by disobeying God, they became disconnected from God by losing the Holy Spirit because they sinned. In order for them to not live forever in the misery of their sin, God allowed death to the flesh. It wouldn’t be until the sacrifice of Jesus Christ before man could actually return to God and be in union with Him once again. This is a spiritual union that man can make with God by building a one on one relationship with Jesus.
By accepting Jesus and following Him, not man, He will show us how and what we need to do to make that union with God. One must be willing to give up their will to travel with Jesus to the cross. It takes a lot of faith and the willingness to do this at all costs which means that you need to be completely open to sacrifice and to do whatever it takes to get back to God.
There are two deaths and one life, one is carnal life and death and the other is spiritual death. The soul has been living longer than the flesh and God tells us this in the Bible. For instance when God told Isaiah that He knew him before He formed him in his mother’s womb.
We all know that the flesh is born through the womb of a female and death can come in numerous ways, but the soul can experience life forever or spiritual death, this is where man’s free will comes in. God gave us all a choice to make as to whether we follow Him and have eternal life filled with His many blessings or death in the lake of fire.
You may say that, that is not much of a choice and it almost seems as though God is not giving us free will and He is forcing us to choose Him because if we don’t we will be spending eternity in the lake of fire. This is not so, you have to think of it this way. Look at the world around you, would you want to live the same way forever and ever with all the evil that is going on now? God certainly doesn’t want all this corruption in heaven and the new world or new age.
So, this is the choice we have to make, to live with God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and all the people that made a choice to live in peace, happiness and joy forever or reject God and choose the lake of fire with those that made that choice. What this world offers is death, what God offers is life. It’s your choice, Life or Death. May you make the right choice and God bless you.